My journey into yoga and meditation started when I was nine, and although I practice yoga asana nearly everyday, my deep passion is nāda yoga, or the yoga of sound. For me, this practice includes deep listening, chanting mantras, singing kirtan, and working with singing bowls and voice.
I sometimes think I’m solar powered, because I’m juiciest when the sun is shining, but I’m also powered by music! I particularly love community music-making projects, where we come together to create beautiful and transformative experiences. I lead a kirtan band called Padma Shanti, and facilitate other nāda yoga sessions as part of my *heart wide open* offerings. In addition to sharing interactive or hands-on experiences, I love creating sonic atmospheres for yoga asana or meditation classes, using my singing bowls, elephant bells, shruti box, saz, Indonesian metallophones and voice.
In 2012, my love of Turkish, Macedonian and Romani music and dance led to the creation of ORO! Orkestra — a Turko-Balkan folk dance party band. I am a founding member of Mindful Flower Gamelan, an ornate set of Indonesian percussion instruments currently in residence at a Canadian university. In addition, I often host contemplative concerts, which feature one hour of improvised music in a beautiful resonate setting.
My kirtan band.

I’m passionate about creating spaces and practices where we can hear our own hearts. Where we feel supported in being the people we want to be, and living the lives we want to live. If you are longing to show up more fully for yourself, your partner, family, friends, co-workers, staff, team or students, I offer simple yet powerful tools and practices that can help.
Life fully. From your heart.
*spark and blossom* is a collection of meditation tools, mini art prints and greeting cards which I design, carve and block print by hand on lovely eco-friendly paper using vibrant, non-toxic inks. Creating them is a slow, meditative experience that is part of my daily heartfulness practice! My desire with this project is to create beautiful earth-friendly *daily practice* tools that uplift, inspire, and energize!
Hand printed art.

I love colour, curvy lines, symmetry, geometry and shiny gold details! I am especially inspired by the mehndi, textile and block print arts of India. My illustrations have been featured in print and online projects all over the world, including tea tins for Deepak Chopra, DVD cases for Ravi Shankar and Yehudi Menuhin, newsletter art for kirtan singer Jai Uttal, magazine illustrations and book covers for Shambhala Publications, as well as Indian restaurant menus and food products, logos and posters for yoga studios, musicians, organic farmers and other micro-businesses. They are available for purchase through istockphoto and etsy.

My passion for graphic design and layout began when I was quite young — in the days of waxers, light tables and typesetting machines, when columns of text were cut out by hand using a knife, and lined up by eye on graph paper. Since then I have fallen in love with the ease and elegance of design software — InDesign and Illustrator are my favourites! For nearly fifteen years I have happily offered my services as a freelance graphic designer working with large and small businesses, artists, and institutions, both close to home and internationally. I have designed logos, brochures, newsletters, product packaging, post cards, business cards, meditation cards, web graphics, trail maps, outdoor banners, CD and DVD art, jewellery templates, stencils, and much more!
Over the years, I have written (and published) articles, novels, a collection of short stories, a few isolated bits of poetry and lots of brave (or foolish) love letters — some mailed, some not!
*nothing is black and white* is a little writing project combined with black ink drawings. The writing comes from my heart, and the illustrations are created out of meditation using a single unbroken line. I am deeply enjoying the simplicity of pen on paper after more than a decade of detailed digital creations.

For me, photography is a meditative and contemplative practice. I am especially drawn to texture and tiny details, although sometimes I zoom out and see a larger picture!
My contemplative photography on Instagram.