

The road I walk is not straight, but rather follows my heart. And I can see that sometimes ― from the outside ― it seems to meander in unpredictable ways. But my heart has never lied to me. Has never steered me into a situation I couldn’t eventually handle. Has never forgotten that u-turns are a valuable and viable way to travel. For it’s not indecision or lack of conviction that encourages me to double back on myself, but rather a desire to revisit something beautiful, something I hadn’t fully internalized, something bigger than I was able to absorb the first time around. My heart is not interested in the efficiency of direct routes, or getting somewhere quickly, or at a certain time. Instead it craves the quality and depth of connection, the willingness of another being to slow down and engage in a full sharing of attention, the courage and humility of opening to each other in every way we know how.

— heidi kalyani, 2016
from the *nothing is black and white* project: illustration created out of meditation with a single unbroken line